International Conference

H.Kim, B.Kang, and Y.Lee, "Generalized Zero-Shot Learning for Point Cloud Segmentation with Evidence-based Dynamic Calibration", AAAI, Feb. 2025.

C.M.Hoang, Y.Lee, and B.Kang, "Generalized Class Discovery in Instance Segmentation", AAAI, Feb. 2025.

Y.Park, D.D.T.Tran, M.Kim, H.Kim, and Y.Lee, "SP2Mask4D: Efficient 4D Panoptic Segmentation Using Superpoint Transformers", ICEIC, Jan. 2025.

D.D.T.Tran,  B.Kang, and Y.Lee, "Multi-Scale Twin-Attention for 3D Instance Segmentation", ACM MM, Oct. 2024. [link]

S.Park*, T.Lee*, Y.Lee, and B.Kang, (*equal contribution) "FDCNet: Feature Drift Compensation Network for Class-Incremental Weakly Supervised Object Localization", ACM MM, Oct. 2023. [link]

M.Kim, and Y.Lee, "Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification Using Value Distribution Alignment", ICCAS, Oct. 2023. [link]

H.Kim, and Y.Lee, "Class-Agnostic Self-Supervised Learning for Image Angle Classification", ICCAS, Oct. 2023. [link]

T.Kim, Y.Bang, B.Kang, and Y.Lee, "Electric Vehicle Charging Inlet 3D Position Detection for Autonomous Charging Robot", ICESI, May. 2022.

S.Park, T.Lee, Y.Lee, and B.Kang, "Person Trespassing Detection for Surveillance Camera System", ICESI, May. 2022.

S.Yang, K.Kim, J.Jeon, H.Lee, and Y.Lee, "Real-time Steering Angle Prediction in Self-Driving Vehicles", ICESI, Sep. 2020.

Y.Lee, K.Hirakawa, and T.Q.Nguyen, "Lossless compression of CFA sampled image using decorrelated Mallat wavelet packet decomposition", ICIP, Sep. 2017. [link]

Y.Lee and T.Q.Nguyen, "Dehazing in Color Filter Array Domain", ISOCC, pp. 171-172, Oct. 2016. [link]

Y.Gong, Y.Lee, and T.Q.Nguyen, "Nighttime Image Enhancement Applying Dark Channel Prior to Raw Data From Camera", ISOCC, pp. 173-174, Oct. 2016. [link]

B.Kang, Y.Lee, C.Han, and T.Q.Nguyen, "Efficient Hand Articulations Tracking using Adaptive Hand Model and Depth map", ISVC, pp.586-598, Dec. 2015. [link]

Y.Lee and T.Q.Nguyen, "Analysis of color rendering transformation effects on dehazing performance", ISOCC, pp. 181-182, Nov. 2015. [link]

Y.Lee, K.Gibson, Z.Lee and T.Q.Nguyen, "Stereo Image Defogging", ICIP, pp.5427-5431, Oct. 2014. [link]

Y.Lee, C.Han, J.Park, S.Park and T.Q.Nguyen, "Efficient Airlight Estimation for Defogging", ISOCC, pp. 154-155, Nov. 2014. [link]

Y.Lee, Z.Lee and T.Q.Nguyen, "Frame Rate Up Conversion of 3D Video by Motion and Depth Fusion", IVMSP, pp. 1-4, Jun. 2013. [link]

Y.Lee, J.Lee, S.Lee and C.Park, "Improving generalization capability of neural networks based on simulated annealing", CEC, pp. 3447-3453, Sep. 2007. [link]

Domestic Conference

M.Kim, J.Lee, Y.Bae, N.Vasconcelos, and Y.Lee, "Class-Balanced Methods for Enhanced Driver Drowsiness Recognition", Autumn Annual Conference of IEIE, Nov. 2024.

J.Park, J.Lee, and Y.Lee, "A Method for Improving Person Re-identification Using Image Restoration", Autumn Annual Conference of IEIE, Nov. 2024.

A.Q. Nguyen and Y.Lee, "Anomaly Detection using Deep Learning", Autumn Annual Conference of IBME, Nov. 2023. [link]

H.Kim and Y.Lee, "Object Detection Method Using Adversarial Learning on Domain Discriminator", Autumn Annual Conference of IBME, Nov. 2022. [link]

B.Kang, C.Yook, J.Lee, H.Oh, and Y.Lee, "OCR-based Cosmetics Ingredients Labeling Analysis System", Autumn Annual Conference of IBME, Nov. 2022. [link]

Y.Bang, Y.Lee, J.Park, and B.Kang, "Image Recomposition System Using Segmentation and Style-transfer", Summer Annual Conference of IBME, Jun. 2021. [link]

J.Lee and Y.Lee, "Benchmark Dataset Generation for 360-degree Image Applications", Summer Annual Conference of IBME, Jun. 2021. [link]

G.H.Le and Y.Lee, "A multi-label classification of attributes on face", Summer Annual Conference of IBME, Jun. 2021. [link]

T.Kim, S.Yang, B.Kang, and Y.Lee, "Overexposure Image Restoration Using a Generative Adversarial Network", Summer Annual Conference of IBME, Jun. 2021. [link]

D.Lee, H.Oh, J.Kauh, Y.Park, and Y.Lee, "Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Design for Weapon-Target Assignment", Winter Annual Conference of KICS, Nov. 2011.

S.Shin, Y.Lee, E.Kim, J.Park, and J.Yoo, "Target Motion Compensation for Stepped Chirp Waveform”, Summer Annual Conference of KIEES, Jul. 2011.

M.Cho, Y.Lee, and E.Kim, "Dimensionality Reduction by Manifold Learning”, Autumn Annual Conference of IEEK, Nov. 2008.